Top abdominal exercises for a flat tummy

  • Ali

We all know we can get a slimmer silhouette by squeezing ourselves into the latest underwear technology but how much better is it to have a core that provides a flat tummy and a strong back to keep us upright?

To tighten your tummy, you need to work your entire core, that’s all the muscles in your abdomen.

Here’s my top tips to achieving this in a matter of weeks.

Are you sitting comfortably

Sit on a chair (not a desk chair with wheels) place your feet flat on the ground both hands on your abdomen. Inhale and expand your tummy, feeling your hands move out. Exhale and contract your abdominals—imagine pulling them in all the way to your spine. Maintain this contraction and count out loud for 30 counts – this stops you from holding your breath.

Pulse your abdominals with 10 small squeezes breathing out with each one.

Then let us begin

Still sitting on your chair, rest one hand on your upper stomach and the other below your navel. Inhale to expand your tummy. Exhale and draw your abdominals halfway toward your spine. This is the starting position.

Contract your abs even more deeply toward your spine for two counts, then return to the starting position for two counts. You will expel air with each contraction. Repeat 20 times, working up to 100 repetitions.

Time for a Lie down

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Inhale to expand your tummy, then exhale to contract your abdominals toward your spine. Keep the middle of your back firmly on the ground. Tuck your chin and raise your head off the floor, counting aloud for two. Return to the starting position for two counts. Repeat 10 times.

Face the wall

Stand with feet together facing a wall, an arm’s length away. Plant your hands firmly against the wall with palms flat.

Inhale to expand your tummy, then exhale and draw it toward your spine. Press against the wall in a push-up, keeping your elbows close to your sides.

As you push back to the starting position, contract your abdominals even more deeply toward your spine. Repeat 20 times.

When your back’s against the wall

Stand with your back against the wall, feet in front of you – about 12 inches from the wall. Place a child’s ball or pillow between your knees.

Inhale to expand your belly, then exhale and contract your abdominals. Bend your knees and lower into a squat. Your knees should be bent and your thighs at right angles to the floor.

Squeeze the ball or pillow with your thighs, drawing your abdominals even more deeply toward your spine. Do 20 squeezes; return to start. Repeat whole exercise 12 times. 

This is also a great exercise to strengthen our thighs if you are about to go skiing.

I hope you give these exercises a try to help you tone up that tummy and feel more confident and if you’re looking to make improvements to your whole body, why not check out my favourite exercises for legs and arms or enjoy my guide to clean eating.