Energy For Life

supporting gut health in Frome and Somerset
  • Ali

Is there any solution to my IBS

Do you suffer from IBS and want to know what you can do to relieve IBS symptoms? These tips and advice may help to ease your IBS. If you're one of the estimated 20% of the UK population to be affected by Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) you'll know that at best it's an inconvenience and at worst, it's life-changing, stressful and debilitating. Around twice as many women as men experience IBS and I speak to a lot of women who experience discomfort on a daily basis. While no two people suffer the same IBS symptoms I’ve noticed some common similarities and treatments which can help. Symptoms of IBS

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Interview with Ali Hutchinson on the BBC
  • Ali

Listen to Ali on the BBC

I love chatting all things health and wellness with Ady Dayman on the BBC. Perhaps that's why I booked to go on the show on my wedding anniversary when we were holidaying and house hunting in Somerset! If you didn't manage to catch the show live have a listen here and for more info on how you can work with me read on....

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how to release energy with a full moon
  • Ali

How to Create a Full Moon Ritual for Letting Go

The September Full Moon is a loving, healing and nurturing full moon. Each full moon is given a specific name and because this is generally seen as the month of harvest this September full moon is called a harvest moon. Here in the UK we’re experiencing the changes in the season with the leaves starting to colour and fall and the growing season beginning to shorten as the dark nights draw in. It’s a perfect time to hunker down, reflect on what has, and hasn’t, been serving you and to use this lunar energy of the full moon to guild and support you. At full moon, the moon is on the opposite side

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new moon rituals
  • Ali

New Moon Journalling Prompts and Affirmations

As we clebrate the arrival of the New Moon in Sept it's a good time to set an intention to release and let go. A new moon happens once a month when the moon and the sun conjoin in the sky, setting off a new cycle of light. This new moon is initially invisible to us on Earth, then it slowly appears as a very thin crescent of light – it’s magical and speaks to us if we take a moment to stand and enjoy it presence. While the energy of a new moon lasts for about three days before and after the lunation, the moon is technically only new for a moment—when the sun and the moon are directly aligned in

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Advice on getting back into exercise after a break
  • Ali

6 tips to help you get back on track after the holidays?

Are you dreading the journey back to the gym post holiday. You had every intention of keeping up a bit of exercise but the couch to 5k app lies unused and your 1k weights haven’t been taken out of the box! Your leggings feel a little tight around your waist and thighs (and you thought lycra was super stretchy) and your heart has picked up a beat at the very thought of the gym and a fitness instructor barking out positive messages as you squat and lunge! I know how you feel. If you’ve take a few day, weeks or maybe months off then it can be hard to get back into it, so here are my tips for

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  • Ali

Ceremonial Cacao - what you need to know

When I first discovered ceremonial cacao I was at a loss as to understand the difference between it and the organic powdered cacao I had in the kitchen pantry. A lot of research, a not insignificant amount of tasting!, a lot of soul searching, and an immense amount of reading up on the history, tribes and regions where cacao grows, led me to many revelations. Let me share a few. What is Cacao? Cacao is chocolate in its rawest, purest form. A ceremonial drink, unsweetened and unprocessed, she is always referred to in the feminine. She is a superfood with all of her original vitamins and

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intuitive coach
  • Ali

Work with Ali online or in person

I have a number of coaching options and ways that we can work together. Online coaching When the world came to a stop in 2020 I didn’t! I was already set up to confidentially coach clients online and this has continued with zoom being my online platform of choice. I provide 1:1 cacao ceremonies on-line. I will direct you where to buy ceremonial cacao, in whatever country you are in, and send you instructions on how to make it. At our appointed call, we'll both meet via the power of technology - usually on zoom but we can use WhatsApp video call if you prefer. With your cacao in hand I will

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